Photography watermarks!

I am so proud of these! I really wanted something that would represent who I am, as well as a bit of uniqueness, instead of something cliche or unoriginal. I think I did really well with these ones. I made alternative watermarks for various reasons, or maybe I just couldn’t decide on which I liked better. These also are some watermark examples on what I have to offer for design services.
But anyways, I now present you the Lexi Nicole Photography watermarks! I did put a grey background on the white watermarks so obviously, it’s easier to see!

Lexi-Nicole-Photography-Watermark-2014-blue     Lexi-Nicole-Photography-Watermark-2014-white  Lexi-Nicole-Logo Lexi Nicole Photography Watermark 2014 - Alternate

The one I will most likely be using on most of my photos is the white text one as it’s simple and neat. I would like to use the others (as I’m sure I will), just not as much!
I cannot wait to start using these and getting one step closer to a photography business. 🙂


Stay awesome,
